Tillsammans har vi räddat 15 111 kg inredning – på väg mot 100 ton!



Most websites use cookies to improve the user experience. A cookie helps the website to remember you, either during a visitor session with a ‘session cookie’ or for return visits using a ‘persistent cookie’. Cookies are small data files that are used as identifiers of the user. The website servers sends a cookie to your device and store it there. As you browse our website they may also be sent back to the website’s servers with updated data. 

When you browse our website, cookies are used to record information about your preferences. It helps us to tailor and improve your experience as a visitor of our website. Cookies can also help us to identify you when you visit us several times. A session cookie will expire when you have left our site and closed the brower while a persistent cookie has an expiry date and will be stored on your computer until that time and date is reached. It will also disappear if you delete cookies in your browser’s settings.



The website may use session cookies to get information about a visit on the website. It enables functionality to enhance the user experience. The cookie doesn’t hold any personal information, lasts during your visit, and it is being deleted once you close your web browser.


This type of cookie helps our web servers to load the website for all visitors in an effective manor. It does not contain any personal information and is being deleted when you leave our site and close your web browser.


This kind of cookie is there improve the performance of our site. Through use of a service provided by Google Analytics it measures statistics such as page visits and traffic sources. If you want more information about Google’s privacy policy, you can find information here: www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy


You are able to modify your browser in the settings to not receive cookies. You can either be notified when cookies are being sent or you can decide not to receive cookies at all. You also have the possibility to delete cookies that have been set on your device.

If you want to change the cookie settings for your device and restrict or block cookies you can access your browser settings to make the changes. To get help on this issue you’ll find it in the Help section for your browser.

Through continuing to use our website without changing the cookie settings for your browser, we will assume that you accept our use of cookies.